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Newsletter February 2022
HiPP Milk Formulae
HiPP organic goat’s milk
Organic milk formula
Growing-up/ Junior milk
Special formula
Metafolin » Natural folate like in human milk
The EU Regulation
Special features of HiPP infant milk
Milk formula during the first year
HiPP organic palm oil – from fair and sustainable production
Appropriately low protein content and improved protein quality
HiPP Food & Drinks
Organic Weaning: The PLUS in every HiPP jar
The HiPP step-by-step nutrition system
Vegetarian & Vegan Diet
Salt intake
HiPP Special Formula & Rehydration
Rehydration: ORS
HiPP Comfort Special Formula
HiPP Anti-Reflux Special Formula
HiPP Baby Care
Philosophy & skin tolerance
Recommendations for infant skin care
Sun protection for babies and children
Skin care in cases of neurodermatitis
HiPP Mama
Product overview in your country
Information material
Milk Formula
Food & Drinks
Baby Care
Knowledge on Tap - Advice cards
Infant defecation
Child Health
Reducing anxiety and pain during venipunctures
Abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome
Food allergies
RSV vaccines
Urinary tract infections: Urinalysis strip testing in the first 3 months
Obesity can lead to premature brain atrophy
Placebos, or the efficacy of the ineffective
Abdominal pain in young children: Good prognosis
Suspected diagnosis “febrile seizures”
Diabetes mellitus type 1: Semi-automatic insulin pumps improve glycaemic control
Obstructive apnoea in snoring infants
Corticosteroids are ineffective against obstructive bronchitis
Antibiotics reduce neither the severity nor length of flu infections
Increased body fat mass is associated with increased blood insulin levels
Probiotics: L. fermentum ameliorates high fat diet-induced obesity in vivo
Viral symptoms, Pharyngitis & Streptococcus Infection
Which home remedies work?
Is Obesity a communicable disease?
Colic & low Lactobacillus count in the meconium
Myopia: playing outdoors as a preventative measure
Honey relieves Coughs
Mild hearing loss reduces school performance
Restrict cranial computer tomography in children with minor head trauma
Sun exposure & risk of chronic inflammatory bowel disease
Patients with long-duration Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus still produce Insulin
Intoeing is a normal phenomenon in otherwise healthy young Children
Sleep-related infant suffocation & co-sleeping in parents’ Bed
No need to teach infants to sleep through the night
Fever of unknown origin in young infants
Breastfeeding & Breast Milk
Sucking dynamics and drinking amounts are not affected by the use of nipple shields
Holder pasteurisation (63°C for 30 min) inactivates SARS-CoV-2 in breast milk
Neonatal Virome
Does the use of Pacifiers influence Breastfeeding?
Mastitis- a treatment comparison
General Research on Milk Formulae
Infant Colic: Infant formula with L. reuteri, hydrolysed protein...
Thickened formulae: Treatment of regurgitation in infants
Research on HiPP Milk Formulae
GOLF-lll study
Good tolerability of HiPP COMBIOTIC® infant formulae
Allergy-preventive effect of a hydrolysed infant formula
HiPP COMBIOTIC® shows positive effects on gut microbiota profiles
Positive effect of L. fermentum on gastrointestinal infections in infants
Study confirms: HiPP Probiotic is Safe
Protein-reduced HiPP Pre Organic COMBIOTIC®
HiPP Growing-up milk improves vitamin D levels, even during winter
Safety and benefits of milk formula with GOS + L. fermentum hereditum®
Infant Nutrition
Normal bowel movements in infants and young children
Childhood obesity & inflammatory changes
Is there an increased fracture risk in vegetarians and vegans?
The iodine status of infants
Plant-based non-dairy drinks: nutritional content and health profile
Peanut allergy: Hyposensitisation of young children
Inadequate iron supply in fully breastfed infants aged 6 to 12 months
Saturated Fatty Acids & Atherosclerosis in Adolescence
Revised EFSA opinion: Introduction of complementary foods
Overweight and functional gastrointestinal disorders
Vitamin D levels
Soft Drinks and Acne Vulgaris
Nutrition in the first 1,000 days: obesity
„Baby-led Weaning“
Why infants shouldn’t be fed honey
Pregnancy & Birth
C-section birth and breastfeeding success
Decisions on the treatment of extremely preterm infants
Maternal faecal transplantation to caesarean-born infants?
Protection from infection through transfer of IgG antibodies via cord blood after maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy
Organic Foods & Health
Organic Diet & individual’s exposure to Pesticides
Organic meadows, full of life: twice as many insects
Can organic foods protect against cancer?
Research Group on Human Milk
Workshop-Report 2020 & 2021: Allergy Prevention in the Neonate
HiPP Webinars
Folic acid vs. Metafolin® in infant formula
Alimentary allergy prevention
Folate in the first 1000 days
HiPP Symposia
ESPGHAN Congress 2022
ESPGHAN Online-Congress 2021
INCHES Amsterdam 2020
ESPGHAN Glasgow 2019
ESPGHAN Geneva 2018
What‘s next?
Organic raw materials are beneficial for children’s health
Our natural dairy ingredients – in the best organic quality
Organic Farming
Sustainability as a corporate philosophy
About HiPP
HiPP Organic Quality
HiPP for Health Care Professionals
Information material
About HiPP
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