HiPP PRE ORGANIC from goat's milk
Infant Formula
HiPP formula from organic goat’s milk
HiPP 2 ORGANIC from goat's milk
Follow-on Formula
Important notice: Depending on country-specific markets, the HiPP product range can differ. Please visit for detail your local consumer-website.
Goat's milk compared with human milk and cow's milk: Casein composition5
Studies show that the casein in goat’s milk can be digested more easily and efficiently than that in cow’s milk due to its composition2,6.

*HiPP formulae from organic goat’s milk contain protein similar to cow’s milk protein and should therefore not be used in cases of known or suspected cow’s milk protein allergies.
What is A2 milk?

- Milk contains various proteins, including beta-casein which can occur in structurally different forms (e.g. A1 and A2 beta-casein).
- Like human milk, A2 milk contains a beta-casein with proline at position 67 of the amino acid chain, while A1 milk has histidine at this position.
- This variation is responsible for the release of a protein fragment that seemingly improves tolerability of A2 milk as compared to A1 milk7.
- Goat’s milk is naturally high in A2 beta-casein, while European cow’s milk usually contains a mix of A1 and A2 beta-casein8.

The best HiPP organic ingredients
- organic goat’s milk from Germany and its neighbouring countries
- strictly controlled – no genetic engineering
- no use of chemically synthesised pesticide
- organic palm oil sourced from sustainable plantations
Suitable HiPP info material

1 Pal S. et al. Nutrients 2015; 7: 7285-7297
2 Hodgkinson A et al. Food Chem 2019; 276: 619-625
3 Giovannini M et al. J Am Coll Nutr 2014; 33(5): 385-393
4 Koletzko B et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2020; 111: 10-16
5 Prosser C et al. 2003 Poster paper presented at the 11th Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Bangkok
6 Maathuis A et al. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2017; 65(6):661–666
7 Küllenberg et al. Nutrients 2019; 77(5):278–306 8 Oliveira L et al. Anim Biotechnol 2021