Newsletter - April 2024
Dear Readers,
We are pleased to present you our HiPP science newsletter for healthcare professionals!
Current studies summarised & reviewed:
Read interesting articles on the topic of paediatrics and nutritional medicine. We hope you will find them interesting!
Best wishes
Christina Reisenzein
Editor of HiPP for Health Care Professionals
News from HiPP
Expanding the foundation for decisions on the treatment of extremely preterm infants
The decision to provide intensive care to periviable infants is an ethical dilemma. A Norwegian study investigated how paediatric residents would hypothetically treat their own infant if born at 22–26 weeks. …
RSV vaccines
Maternal RSV vaccination in the late stages of pregnancy reduces the infant’s risk of having a severe RSV infection in the first six months of life. …
Excessive food intake in childhood & inflammatory changes
Existing data indicates that overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence tend to persist into adulthood, impacting susceptibility to chronic and/or lifestyle diseases. …
Normal bowel movements in infants and young children
What constitutes a normal defecation pattern in infants and young children? The authors of this study have collected available data on stool frequency and consistency in healthy children up to the age of 4 to establish reference values. …