Newsletter - February 2022

Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present you our HiPP Science newsletter for healthcare professionals!

Current studies summarised & reviewed:
Read interesting articles on the topic of paediatrics and nutritional medicine. We hope you will find them interesting!

Best wishes & stay healthy
Dr. Stephanie Ruf
Editor of HiPP for Health Care Professionals

Obstructive apnoea in snoring infants

In a comprehensive Finnish sleep study, polysomnographic apnoea was detected in snoring infants. To answer the question of whether there are clinical criteria for the identification of a particular risk of short-term respiratory failure...

Corticosteroids are ineffective against obstructive bronchitis

To test the efficacy of corticosteroids, infants with acute obstructive bronchitis received oral prednisolone, while infants of the control group received a placebo.

Allergy prevention in neonates

There is a steady increase in food allergy prevalence around the world. This is why it is important to find new and effective ways to prevent the development of asthma and other atopic diseases. This is only possible once we understand how the human body…

Organic farming and sustainability: 10 questions

This article is dealing with questions like:
• Agriculture: Why go organic?
• What is organic farming and why does it matter?
• How are the fields fertilised according to organic farming practices?

HiPP Science Newsletter

Current studies summarised & commented
Read interesting articles about paediatrics & nutritional medicine!
Exclusively for pediatricians, nutrition experts,
midwives and related medical professionals

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