Newsletter - January 2023

Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present you our HiPP science newsletter for healthcare professionals!

Current studies summarised & reviewed:
Read interesting articles on the topic of paediatrics and nutritional medicine. We hope you will find them interesting!

Best wishes
Dr. Stephanie Ruf
Editor of HiPP for Health Care Professionals

The prognosis is good for abdominal pain in young children

The first step in cases of young children presenting with abdominal pain or non-specific gastrointestinal complaints is the exclusion of more serious causes such as cardiac insufficiency, intestinal inflammation or food intolerance. Once they can be ruled out, clinicians will have to convince parents that…

Placebos, or the efficacy of the ineffective

In the past, it was thought that blinding of patients was the prerequisite for measuring a placebo effect. In recent years, however, studies with adults have shown...

NEW from HiPP

Our best protection for caesarean-born infants

A positive gut microbiota is especially important for caesarean-born infants.
HiPP ORGANIC COMBIOTIC® promotes the formation of a balanced intestinal microbiota.

Plant-based non-dairy drinks: nutritional content and health profile

Children are increasingly given plant-based alternatives to cow’s milk. Why is this problematic and what health consequences are to be expected?

HiPP Science Newsletter

Current studies summarised & commented
Read interesting articles about paediatrics & nutritional medicine!
Exclusively for pediatricians, nutrition experts,
midwives and related medical professionals

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