Newsletter - July 2022
Dear Readers,
We are pleased to present you our HiPP science newsletter for healthcare professionals!
Current studies summarised & reviewed:
Read interesting articles on the topic of paediatrics and nutritional medicine. We hope you will find them interesting!
Best wishes
Dr. Stephanie Ruf
Editor of HiPP for Health Care Professionals
Successful hyposensitisation of young children with peanut allergy
Peanut allergy is the most common IgE-mediated food allergy in children. The success of hyposensitisation treatment in older children is questionable. Until now, the only option for young children has been…
Suspected diagnosis “febrile seizures”: What renders the need for further diagnostics unnecessary?
In cases of “febrile seizures” any inflammatory conditions must be ruled out, especially all types of meningitis. Most children presenting with febrile seizures for the first time…
NEW: HiPP formula from organic goat's milk
Beneficial protein composition for a balanced digestion. Find out more about the new goat's milk
Diabetes mellitus type 1: Semi-automatic insulin pumps improve glycaemic control
The purpose of automated insulin pumps, i.e. insulin pumps controlled by the glucose concentration in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, is to improve the glucose turnover rate. In a multicentre study…