Newsletter - June 2023

Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present you our HiPP science newsletter for healthcare professionals!

Current studies summarised & reviewed:
Read interesting articles on the topic of paediatrics and nutritional medicine. We hope you will find them interesting!

Best wishes
Stephanie Ruf, PhD

Urinary tract infections: Urinalysis strip testing in the first 3 months

80-90% of bacterial infections in the first 3 months of life are urinary tract infections. Paediatric emergency departments in the UK and Ireland have now studied……

Is there an increased fracture risk in vegetarians and vegans?

The authors have conducted a review of current findings on the topic, whether a purely plant-based diet leads to poorer bone health…

The iodine status of infants

Adequate iodine supply in infancy is a prerequisite for normal thyroid function and brain development. As there is little data on the iodine status of infants during their first year of life…

The GOLF III trial: recently published in AJCN

HiPP COMBIOTIC® shows positive effects on gut microbiota profiles.

New publication!

HiPP Research Group on Human Milk
The Gut – Challenges in the First Year of Life

Obesity can lead to premature brain atrophy

Previous studies have highlighted the risk of premature brain ageing in obese adults, seen in MRI scans through cortical atrophy. A recent comparative study...
read more

HiPP Science Newsletter

Current studies summarised & commented
Read interesting articles about paediatrics & nutritional medicine!
Exclusively for pediatricians, nutrition experts,
midwives and related medical professionals

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