Child Nutrition: Vegetarian & Vegan Diet

Vegetarian Diet for Babies and Toddlers
What has to be taken account? Vegetarian diets get more and more popular, also for babies and toddlers. Particularly during this critical phase of infancy and toddlerhood, children need nutrients-rich foods in their diets.
Which forms of vegetarianism are most common & which nutritiens are scarcely present?

Vegetarian Diet for Babies and Toddlers
What has to be taken account? Vegetarian diets get more and more popular, also for babies and toddlers. Particularly during this critical phase of infancy and toddlerhood, children need nutrients-rich foods in their diets. Read more an print the information (PDF)
A balancing act between evidence and common sense: Vegan Diet needs Supplementation
“A purely vegan diet without consistent supplementation, for example with vitamin B12, is not recommended for children and adolescents,” Prof. Dr. Silvia Rudloff, a nutritional scientist at the Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), stated at a symposium in Munich. A balanced ovo-lacto vegetarian diet, however, is not considered to be problematic. Read more (PDF)