Author Prof. J. Spranger, University Department of Pediatrics Mainz
The purpose of automated insulin pumps, i.e. insulin pumps controlled by the glucose concentration in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, is to improve the glucose turnover rate. In a multicentre study, 121 adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus were randomised into two groups: 63 participants (intervention group) received an automated pump and 55 participants (control group) continued conventional therapy with multiple single injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion [1]. In the end, the study compared the percentage of time in range within the target glucose range.
Results: With hybrid pumps, time in range increased from a mean of 53.1% to 62.5% within 6 months, compared to a smaller improvement in the control group from 54.6% to 56.1%. The gain from using automated pumps was an additional 1.6 hours per day within the target glucose range.
Hypoglycaemia occurred less frequently with hybrid pumps (1.1 vs. 2.1 per week). The HbA1c levels improved equally in both groups (-0.3% vs -0.1%), the measured values related to quality of life did not.