Protein-reduced HiPP Pre Organic COMBIOTIC®: BeMIM study proves safety and suitability
Less is more: now with reduced protein content
New studies suggest that high protein intake in infants increases the risk of obesity later in life (1, 2). Experts are calling for promoting breastfeeding and reducing the protein content of infant formulae. HiPP has implemented these updated recommendations and now offers the protein-reduced infant formula HiPP Pre Organic COMBIOTIC®. The new HiPP Pre Organic COMBIOTIC® follows expert recommendations and contains an appropriately low amount of protein with improved protein quality (1.89 g/100 kcal). The protein content is 1.89 g per 100 kcal.
BeMIM study proves safety of the new HiPP Pre Organic COMBIOTIC®
As required by law, the suitability and safety of the new formula have been proven in a clinical trial (BeMIM study = Belgrade Munich Infant Milk Trial) (3). In this prospective, randomised, double-blind study, under the scientific direction of Prof. B. Koletzko, Munich, 213 healthy infants received either a protein-reduced (1.89 g protein per 100 kcal) and alpha-lactalbumin-enriched infant formula or a standard formula with 2.2 g of protein per 100 kcal.
The primary target parameter - weight gain per day - was not significantly different in either formula group between the first month and the 120th day of the study period. The children from the low-protein group thrived as well as the children with a standard formula with higher protein content.

Differences between protein-reduced and control formula are significant: ** P< 0.01; *** P< 0.001.
- Clinical trial has shown safety and suitability of HiPP COMBIOTIC® Infant Formula (3)
- Growth appropriate to age – also confirmed from 4 years of age
- Protein intake is closer to the protein intake of breastfed children
- Positive influence on infant’s satiety
- Improved energetic efficiency
In the opinion of the authors, the addition of alpha-lactalbumin could have yet another benefit, as the number of adverse events (infections, eczema, etc.) was lower in the low-protein group, and the formula showed improved energetic efficiency (growth in relation to energy intake). Although the children in the low-protein group drank less formula in the second half of the observation period, they grew just as well in comparison with the standard group with more protein.
The results of the BeMIM study show that the new protein-reduced formula is well-tolerated and well satiating.
References & Downloads
Publication: BeMIM-Study: Fleddermann et al.: Infant formula composition affects energetic efficiency for growth: The BeMIM study, a randomized controlled trial. Clin Nutr 2014; 33(4): 588-595
Koletzko et al.: Frühkindliche Proteinzufuhr- späteres Adipositasrisiko. Pädiatrie & Pädologie 2013Article only in German - (copyright SpringerMedizin)
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1. Koletzko B et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89 (Suppl): 1S-7S
2. Weber M et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 99: 1041-51
3. Fleddermann M et al. Clin Nutr 2014 ;33(4):588-595
4. Nommsen LA et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53(2):457-465